In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the examiner will give you a cue card or a task card which will consist of 3-4 questions along with some instructions on how to answer the topics. Once you get the topic, you’ll be given one minute to prepare yourself on the given topic, after which you will have to speak for around 1-2 minutes until the examiner asks you to stop. Here, the examiner will check your usage of grammar and vocabulary, and your ability to frame sentences while talking. Speaking for 2 minutes may seem like a long time if you haven’t practiced or if you’re not used to speaking in English regularly. That is why it is advisable to practice well for the speaking test.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics 2019

Explore the list of Speaking Part 2 topics based 2019 past IELTS examination

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics 2019

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics 2020

Explore the list of Speaking Part 2 topics 2020 based on recent IELTS Speaking actual test

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics 2020

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Tips

Want to prepare for IELTS Speaking part 2? Here are some useful tips to prepare for your IELTS Speaking part 2 examination

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Tips



One way to prepare yourself for the Speaking Part 2 Test is by practicing while referring to sample cue cards. During the test, you’ll be given a cue card, also known as a task card. This card will consist of a personal question and supporting questions on the given topic. You can prepare yourself for this by referring to cue card samples and practice speaking about respective topics for 2 minutes each. While practicing you should try to focus on language fluency, grammar and vocabulary. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll be during the test!

Describe a country you have visited.

You should talk about:

  • Where is this country?
  • When did you visit it?
  • What are the interesting things about this country?


  • The examiner will give you a cue card in which the topic will be mentioned along with the points that you should mainly focus on. The topic given will be related to personal experiences. 
  • The examiner will then give you one minute to prepare. You’ll have to plan and create a story/idea to speak about relating to the topic. A paper and pencil will be provided so that you can pen down your ideas on the paper if you wish.
  • Soon after your one-minute preparation, the examiner will ask you to speak about the given topic.
  • While speaking, you should try to speak without hesitating or pausing for too long. While speaking the examiner will not interrupt you, he/she will only nod to encourage you.
  • Soon after the 2 minutes get over, the examiner will stop you and ask you a few questions relating to what you spoke about, and you’ll have to give short answers for the same.


There are 4 criteria based on which your IELTS speaking part 2 is assessed:

  • Fluency and Coherence:

While speaking the examiner will check how fluently you can speak by using proper grammar and vocabulary. Hesitating and being in a loss of words is acceptable if it’s once in a while but not if it happens too much.

  • Lexical Resource:

While speaking you have to make sure to use a variety of idioms with proper vocabulary and grammar. This will show that you have a flexible usage of the language.

  • Grammar: 

You must use correct grammar and structured sentences. It’s very important to avoid making grammatical mistakes while speaking.

  • Pronunciation: 

While speaking, it is important to make sure you’re pronouncing the words in the correct manner and in a way that is clearly understandable for the examiner. A helpful tip would be, to try to speak slowly and calmly. Avoid speaking too fast as you could have the risk of not being understandable, which may result in your score being reduced.