IELTS Exam Preparation tips – How to prepare for IELTS?


IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is a testing system that evaluates your English language skills based on four aspects which are speaking, writing, reading and listening. The preparation need not always mean long exhaustive hours of study. It could stretch beyond the study guides and practice tests.

IELTS preparation tips:

Following tips will teach you how to prepare for IELTS exam and will help you excel in it. They are : 

IELTS preparation time:

It is recommended to begin your preparation 6 weeks prior to your test. But there is no fixed time limit to prepare for IELTS. You can begin your preparation one year in advance or do a last minute preparation.

Build your vocabulary (Speaking Skills)

Expose yourself to the different forms of the language. Watch recommended English movies and tv serials. Listen to English songs. Watch English news. Observe the native speakers, carefully. It is not through mere study, that a person masters the language. As you form an English atmosphere around you, it will work unconsciously and help build your vocabulary. If you come across words that you haven’t heard before, try to find their meaning from the context. Also, do not hesitate to look them up in the dictionary. At the end of the day, write all the new words in a notebook along with their meanings. Frame sentences using those words. Use them when talking to people. Work on these IELTS exam tips and you’ll see amazing results.

Task list

  • Form a word bank on your own using the new words you come across. The word bank should consist of simple English words set in a context.
  • Do not be in search of difficult words. 
  • Try to use the words in a context. Familiarize yourself with the words, so that they are used without making any special effort. When you speak, it will be spontaneous and will not look like forceful inclusions. 
  • Note down any idioms or phrases that you come across. Don’t forget to use them when talking.

How to prepare for IELTS at home?

Think in English

You can begin IELTS preparation at home. Yes, train your mind to think in English. At present, you may think in your native language first and then translate it to English. When you think in English, you will lessen the burden of your brain. You will no longer need to pay attention to grammar and pronunciation because they are taken care of, automatically. Over a period of time, you will see an improved version of yourself, be it in diction or grammar. 

Task list

  • Monopolize your everyday activities with English. Be it your kitchen or bathroom, paste some words in English, that you often use in your native language. When you enter these rooms and look around, these words will get registered in your mind. After sometime, you will begin to utter these words, effortlessly.
  • Start imagining, talking to someone in English.
  • When you don’t remember the correct word to use, when talking to someone, you can try to say things related to it.

IELTS Speaking tips

Practice reading

Read English newspapers and magazines. Learn the art of reading, so that you read a topic in less time. When you come across a difficult word, add it to your word bank.

Task list

  • Learn the art of skimming and scanning.
  • Learn to derive the central idea of a particular passage quickly.
  • Understand how the particular passage or topic is structured. As you do this, you can structure your paragraphs in the right manner, seamlessly.

IELTS Reading tips

Improve writing skills

Build a strategy for writing. Learn how to frame your introduction, organize the body paragraphs and conclusion. This will add volume to the content and will improve speed. You can write 250 words in no time.

Task list

  • Learn the art of paraphrasing.
  • Familiarize yourself with different structures by reading various articles, magazines etc. There is a dedicated vocabulary for every structure. You can refer to the practice tests for different topics in writing test.
  • Address all parts of the question.

IELTS Writing tips

Enhance your  Listening skills

It is important to note that the recording will be played only once. So it is important to hone your listening skills. Also, some effort is required, to understand the native speaker’s accent. Familiarize yourself with the various slangs and dialects of the English language.

Task list

  • Practice tests are a boon and very useful materials for preparation when it comes to improving your listening skills. So make use of them wisely.
  • If you cannot understand particular audio, play it once again. Practice them as in the actual exam. This will improve your confidence and measure your preparedness.
  • There are recommended apps for listening. You can make use of them to listen to authentic native English conversations.

IELTS tips and tricks:

IELTS Listening tips

IELTS Reading tips

IELTS speaking tips

IELTS Academic writing  task 1 tips

What is a candidate supposed to do the day before the IELTS exam?

  • Relieve yourself of the anxiety of the test. 
  • If you’re doing last minute preparation, go ahead with it.
  • Get things ready for the next day.
  • Eat a nutritious meal, that will help you concentrate in the exam, the next day.

IELTS Test day checklist

   Test day checklist   Yes  No
 Did I take the correct ID card, that I provided at the time of registration?    
 Did I take pens, pencils and erasers?    
 Did I take a transparent water bottle? (in case you need it)    

Also check : 


How to think in English? How will it help in improving speaking skills?

As you see things, try to name them in English. When you practise this, it becomes a habit, so things will  pop up in your head (In English) wherever you are. There are many other thinking exercises, you can practise. You will lessen your efforts to search for words while speaking and by this, your fluency will improve.

How can I prepare for the writing test?

There are dedicated structures for every question in the writing test. If you diligently practise all of them, you can write 150-250 words in no time.

How do I develop speed in reading?

There are various techniques (skimming and scanning) to be followed when reading a passage. As you practise all of them, you will unconsciously develop speed in your reading.

How can I prepare for listening test?

When choosing the test centre, make sure they have equipment like headphones which will help you to listen better. Familiarise yourself with different slangs and dialects of English by listening to various audios and videos. Also use the practice tests.

How far does practice tests help in preparation?

When your test is fast approaching, you have to make use of the practice tests. But you cannot learn a language through practice tests. You should make an effort to learn English through various other channels (like reading newspapers and watching news in English) as well.